Fancy-pancy and pish-posh. The Chubby Kids make the news!

Photo by The Los Angeles Times' Ricardo DeAratanha

What the heck's so dang funny?

Come on - look at us. We cray.

Look out, it's the fuzz!

But like, in a good way.

Whatchu know about that?!

Go Chub or go home!

We hungry.

A strange ability to pull off hats.

We're gonna bring this town back to the Golden Age.

Light on his toes, heavy on the pour.

The Chubby Kids' resident mixologist.

We don't just make it work, we make it right.

REAL actors double as equipment. Well played, sir.

Charming the ladies e'ry chance we get.

Just a grand piano in our office - don't worry about it!

What the hell is that?!

You'll never know and we'll never tell.

We look to Aaron, our editor extraordinaire.

We covered his face with the caption because his beauty is too much for this world.

L.A. pride! Repping 323 for life.

50% lover + 50% gangsta' = 100% Chubby.

On set with Little Grandpa.

Who doesn't love an old bastard with chutzpah?

To our vegan friends, this is called food.

If you can't eat it off the bone it's a waste of a meal.

Chubby is as Chubby does.

The Chubby Kids cannot confirm or deny that is or was an employee or founder.